




Naomi Scott的母親是印度人,父親是英國人。

曾擔任教會的青年樂團一員,也發行過迷你專輯《Invisible Division 》


2014年6月,她嫁給了交往四年的足球運動員Jordan Spence ,兩人很甜蜜喔







Here comes a wave 大浪來襲

Meant to wash me away 我註定被大浪捲走

A tide that is taking me under 潮水將我帶走

Swallowing sand 被沙粒吞食

Left with nothing to say 什麼都沒說就離開

My voice drowned out in the thunder 我的聲音被風暴淹沒

But I won't cry 但我不會哭

And I won't start to crumble 也不會崩潰

Whenever they try 不管他們怎麼嘗試

To shut me or cut me down 把我關住、擊倒我

I won't be silenced 我不會保持沉默

You can't keep me quiet 你不能一直讓我漠視

Won't tremble when you try it 當你嘗試,我也不會跌倒

All I know is I won't go speechless 我只知道我絕不會保持沉默

'Cause I'll breathe 因為我一定會大口呼吸

When they try to suffocate me 當他們嘗試讓我窒息

Don't you underestimate me 你豈敢低估我

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless 我知道我絕對不會沉默

Written in stone 在石頭上寫下

Every rule, every word 每條規則、每個字

Centuries old and unbending 百年不屈

Stay in your place 在那邊待好

Better seen and not heard 最好別聽別看

But now that story is ending 但現在,故事來到尾聲

'Cause I 因為我

I cannot start to crumble 我不會崩潰

So come on and try 所以儘管放馬過來

Try to shut me and cut me down 試著關住並阻止我

I won't be silenced 我絕不沉默

You can't keep me quiet 你不可能讓我銷聲匿跡

Won't tremble when you try it 絕不因你而被絆倒

All I know is I won't go speechless 我只知道我不會沉默

Speechless 沉默

Let the storm in 就讓風暴來襲

I cannot be broken 我不會因此破碎

No, I won't live unspoken 我不會安靜的活著

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless 因為我知道我會挺身而出

Try to lock me in this cage 試圖把我鎖在這牢籠

I won't just lay me down and die 我不可能坐以待斃

I will take these broken wings 我會帶著這破碎羽翼

And watch me burn across the sky 看著我在天空燃燒

And it echoes saying I 那回聲說著,我..

Won't be silenced 不會沉默

No you will not see me tremble when you try it 你不會看到我因你被絆倒

All I know is I won't go speechless 我只知道我不會沉默

Speechless 沉默

'Cause I'll breathe 因為我奮力呼吸

When they try to suffocate me 當你試著使我窒息

Don't you underestimate me 千萬別小看我

'Cause I know that I won't go speechless 因為我知道我不會沉默

All I know is I won't go speechless 我只知道我會挺身而出

Speechless 挺身而出

    創作者 丹丹 的頭像


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